APM Chartered Project Professional (ChPP)

AOM ChPP new

Designation overview

The APM Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) was revised in September 2024 and is APM, the chartered body for the project profession's, global standard.

The ChPP standard is a benchmark of professional project practice, providing independent recognition of your proven capabilities. It allows holders to demonstrate responsible leadership and the competencies necessary for effective project, programme or portfolio management – including the ability to manage a complex project and ability to use appropriate tools, processes and techniques.

There are four pathways to gaining ChPP accreditation dependent on whether you hold recognised assessments for technical knowledge and professional practice or simply meeting the eligibility criteria without these formal assessments.

ChPP robustly assesses the following areas, requiring you to show:

  • Technical knowledge: advanced technical knowledge and understanding of how to deliver projects, programmes or portfolios.
  • Professional practice: successful application of technical knowledge that involved conflicting objectives; high levels of unpredictability or risk; multiple work packages, projects or programmes; multiple interdependent stakeholders.
  • Ethics and continuing CPD: you will need to commit to professional ethics and show continuing professional development.

You will also require two proposers.

Accreditation requires approximately 25-35 hours of effort, with driven candidates expected to achieve ChPP in 3-6 months.

Case studies

Read how Provek supported a team of BBC project managers in achieving chartered accreditation in this case study.

Richard Money is a senior project manager at Southern Water, with over 30 years’ experience. Read Richard’s case study describing his personal journey in achieving chartered accreditation.

Janine Broome is Head of Strategic Initiatives and Company Secretary within AirTanker. Read Janine’s case study on becoming chartered.

Why should you choose chartered accreditation?

Watch our video that provides an overview of chartered accreditation and the benefits it offers to project professionals.

Our learning options

We offer support options to individuals and to cohorts within a single organisation. Which include:

  • Prior screening to ensure readiness – all delegates will initially be asked to complete Provek’s proprietary readiness checker.
  • Briefing and coaching on your application form, written submission and interview, by a Provek consultant who is a current APM ChPP assessor. Interview preparation includes a mock interview with our ChPP specialist coach and feedback, together with psychological preparation.
  • Online guidance on PM Channel.

The support is for up to 12 months.

Download our brochure here.


  • The price for dedicated one-to-one ChPP specialist support is £1,050.
  • Get in touch for cohort pricing.

About Provek’s proprietary readiness checker

The Provek ChPP readiness checker is based on the ChPP application guidance and APM Competence Framework. Created by Provek it draws upon our experience of deploying the framework in a number of other applications.

On completing the ‘project sheet’, and at least 7 of the 12 ‘competence sheets’, you will be provided with a summary report. This report provides an assessment of whether you meet the ChPP standard for each competence, based on the breadth and depth of your competence, taking into account the complexity of your projects.

Below: extract of the summary report

ChPP readiness checker

Contact the team to find out more about our ChPP readiness checker.

Ready to start?

For 'individual' specialist support click the button to book online. If you require further assistance or for group bookings contact our team on 01635 524610.

Case studies

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