Provek has chosen City & Guilds as our strategic partner to offer DfE-funded Skills Bootcamps. For over 140 years City & Guilds has worked with people, organisations and economies to help them identify and develop the skills they need to thrive. City & Guilds specialise in delivering work-based learning programmes that build competency, to support better prospects for people, organisations and wider society. City & Guilds is a Royal Chartered Institute and a registered charity.
About DfE-funded Skills Bootcamps
Skills Bootcamps are part of a UK Government initiative to provide employers with the opportunity to support individuals to retrain, update or formalise their skills or acquire specialist skills.
Provek offer public bootcamps and inhouse bootcamps for organisations (a minimum number of eight delegates is required).
They offer 70-90% funding depending on whether you are an SME or large organisation.
Achieve a professional qualification
All of our skills bootcamps include a professional qualification in project management as well developing additional specialist skills.
Find out more
Find out more about Provek’s Skills Bootcamps here.